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Project Goal

Citizens in Albania benefit from improved governance and service delivery at the municipal level, according to agreed minimum and affordable standards for a sustainable country system.

Short description

The second phase of the Bashki të Forta project will continue to strengthen municipal councils and improve municipal waste management and pre-school services. The project will support systemic actors in agreeing on minimum affordable standards for service provision and good governance. The project will intensify its interventions in the field of performance by building a country wide performance management system which will be topped up by a performance-based grant scheme in the second part of the project period. It is an important element of the approach that interventions will be co-designed with organizations that have a systemic role in the Albanian local government so they can take full ownership of the interventions in time. Relevant systemic actors will be supported to develop policies for and deliver knowledge to municipalities. The support of BtF will be extended to all 61 municipalities in Albania