Capacity Building for Municipal Council Committees

Over the last few weeks, the ‘Bashki te Forta’ (Strong Municipalities) Project, in cooperation with the Agency for the Support of Local Self-Government, the Albanian School of Public Administration (ASPA) and the Association for Local Autonomy (ALA), has delivered training sessions to standing service committees, with representatives of municipal councils (MC) and administration for the municipalities from the regions of Fier, Korça and Berat. The topic of the training consisted of capacity building of the MC committees of public services, preschool education and waste management, the role of commissions and councils in decision-making, public consultation and monitoring. These trainings are important for further raising the capacities of the council committees to supervise and oversee the work of the local administration so as to ensure the highest quality of decision-making in order to improve the lives of their constituencies. This training will continue in the coming days and weeks with trainers from the Urban Research Institute and Smart Processes LLC. Stay tuned for more info.