Knowledge Management Platform Concept for Local Government

In cooperation with the Agency for the Support for Local Governance, the “Bashki te Forta” Project held the workshop “Knowledge Management Platform Concept for Local Government” on May 9, 2024.

Attendance to this meeting included representatives of governmental agencies that are members of the working group for increasing the capacities local government units’ officials, from the Ministry of Finance, Department of Public Administration (DPA), Albanian School of Public Administration (ASPA), National Agency for Information Society (NAIS) as well as LGU associations (Association for Local Autonomy and Association of Regional Councils of Albania) and representatives of the Council of Europe Project and the “Local Finances” project. Experts from the University of Lucerne, Switzerland, as well as other national experts contributed to the development of the knowledge management platform concept for the LGUs. This activity was held in the framework of the initiative of the Government of Albania to establish the Academy for Local Governments with the aim of enhancing in a sustainable and qualitative manner the capacities and skills of local and elected officials. In this activity, the need and the concept for setting up the platform as one of the basic services of the Academy for the NJVV were endorsed.